Tuesday, October 30, 2012


It was below 40 this morning & freezing! I didn't run because it was too cold. I don't have clothes to run in that kind of weather. This cold front took me by surprise. What do you do during cold weather & exercise?

I had to pull out my winter jacket that was too small last year & now too big this year. I can wrap it around my waist. You would think I would love shopping but I hate spending money. I'm sure y'all are over hearing that but buying a new wardrobe sucks. It's not just a few items. It's new underwear, bras, socks, pants, jeans, t-shirts, pjs, jackets, my fancy dresses for cruises, my go to cocktail wedding attire. It's freaking expensive!!!! I call this formally fat girl problems & it's a good problem to have but still a problem.

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