Thursday, March 21, 2013


There's an entire basket of Kit kats outside of my office door right now and it's driving me crazy.

I've been racking my brain on what to put into my own Easter basket this year. My husband said to still fill it with candy and him and the kids will take care of it. I said to fill it with some fun costume jewelry and I would take care of it.

Instead I think I'm going to fill it with some RNY friendly snacks.  Here are some of my ideas

  • Blue Diamond Habanero BBQ Almonds
  • Crystal Light Packets
  • Sugar Free gum
  • Beef Jerky
  • Pork rinds
Any other thoughts? Maybe some fun new running socks?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Post race feelings

First of all let me just say I bought 5 new dresses yesterday all in medium and one in a size 8!!! Are you freaking kidding me??? Never in my life did I imagine I would be a size 8!!!

Saturday was the Gate River Run and I did it! 2.10 time. The easiest run I've had to date. Despite the pain in my knee the rest of my body felt great. I felt like it was a 5K. It almost seemed too easy. (The knee is a strenghting thing and I know it's something I have to work on.) I didn't cry until I was relaxing in the bathtub at home. And I like to say that I can't believe I did this but I can believe it. I wanted to do this. I set my mind to it. I have an amazing supportive husband and a great group of family and friends. It's like just my favorite running song says. "You can have it all Anything you want you can make it yours. Anything you want in the world, Nothing too big or small, What you get is exactly what you give, never really know until you try" I believe in those words. I can do anything I set my mind to. A 9 mile run is nothing compared to half the shit I've conquered. I won't doubt my abilities again.

The race was amazing. The crowds were amazing. Charlyn was amazing. She just blows me away and B is a lucky person to have her and I'm a lucky person to be able to call her my sister. Her enthusiasm throughout the race was great. She was high fiving people and cheering the crowds on like every single person was there for her. It was great! Then she barely had time to shower, rub down with icy hot before she flew back home. I hope she got to rest on Sunday.

Stats according to my Nike+
Fastest 10K 1.21.15
Fastest 5K 38.39
Longest Run
Farthest Run

So now what for me? I don't know. Strength training. Mud run next month with Chrissy, Jenn, and Meaghan. Tap N Run 4K next month. Half marathon or marathon in my future? Maybe. We shall see :)

Squats I would start with only using your body weight. 15 times 3 sets

Lunges; alternate sides 15 on each side: 3 sets

Dead lifts, do you have weights? (Id start with 5 pounds in each hand) keep knees soft and only go down until you feel your hamstrings. Keep back flat.

15 times/3 sets

Weight: 158.4