Sunday, October 4, 2015

Our first fall weekend

10pm on a Sunday night. Except for the sound of Bravo TV the entire house is quiet. Two kids in bed and a husband out of the house. I wanted to take this opportunity to do a weekend recap. This was on of our best weekends in a long time.

Friday Ethan stayed after school to volunteer with ROTC to work and attend the Varisty football game. After I said yes I was freaking out a bit. I imagined his first school games I would be attending not him and "some friends". I knew it would embarrass him if I dragged Lorelei to the game so I said yes. Made him watch an anti-bullying episode on SVU and said a prayer. He's such a good boy. I know in my heart I can trust him but I have a hard time trusting others with my baby. He had a great time and was unharmed. Lol He also signed up for the PSAT's this week. Can you believe it? College bound. My baby boy.  3 more summers. That's all I have left with this boy. Cherishing every moment. 

While Ethan attending the game Nate & I wanted to spend some fun time with Lorelei. We decided on a ice cream for dinner and pizza for desert and the movie Cinderella on the couch. We headed off to Cold Stone where little miss enjoyed a sweet cream with marshmallows and Daddy enjoyed strawberry with strawberry, of course. Momma had a sugar free iced latte. Then we hit up Blaze. A new pizza joint near our house. They have personalized fire grilled build your own pizzas for $8.00. Lorelei built one on her own and got to pick up her own food. She felt so big. We had a no cellphone rule and it was nice to chat amongst ourselves. From there we went home, got on our pjs, and watched the new Cinderella. It was a great evening for both of our kids and us.

Saturday: Oh my Saturday was a full day!!!  In summary:

-7am Jacksonville Marine Corp 5K. I had a PR. I beat the marines. I felt good. I had no noise in my head. It felt amazing.

-8am made breakfast for my family that were awake. (Teens sleep in)
-9am cleaned Lorelei's room while Nate started mowing the grass. (Teens sleep in) She and Indid a great job. She had a positi attitude and we had no yelling. I talk to her about the importance of cleaning up before moving on and she's done a good job on maintaining so far. 

-10am Teen wakes up and he & I kill the green monster. Lorelei plays with neighbor kids. Nate finishes the yard. 
We did yard work until 1pmish. Knocked out the monster and trimmed the other trees and bushes in the front. We basically completed all the work we plan to do on Sunday.
-1pm..ish-I made turkey and spicy cheese sandwiches for my family. One of my favorite weekend meals. I cut the sandwiches in half just like my stepmom did. It seems like the only appropriate lunch to have after yard work on the weekend.

The rest of the afternoon I sat on the back porch, listen to music and read a book watch the dog play in the yard. Nate had some errands to run. Ethan & Lorelei played with DJ and Gabriel until dusk. One of my favorite sound is the sound of neighborhood kids playing in our yard. Nate threw a couple of pizzas into the oven and we offered dinner to some of our neighborhood kids.

After kids were fed and in for the night Nate night I went out to dinner. We had a nice dinner at PF Chang's and then met some friends at Suites for a promotional cocktail hour. It was the first official time I ever wore a booby shirt and boy were they out. Thank you gorilla tape!

Sunday: Three goals today. One: Football Two: Lorelei's play date Three: Cook ribs

One- completed. Thanks to European football we were able to enjoy football from the early-morning all the way until 9 o'clock at night. Actually it's still on right now but again I'm the only one awake and I choose not to watch it now. Jags lost. Nobody is surprised. Oh well.

Two: Play date. Lorelei how to set of twins from school come over and had a lovely play date for four hours. The girls were great and they all got along wonderfully. She really enjoyed having friends her own age over to play and them not be boys. This really helps me feel good about the decision we made to move her to a public school. Her social life was just as important to us as which school she attended.

Three: Ribs. Nailed it! All on my own. Also whipped up a dish of Cuban black beans and rice for my hunny. 

We decided to have dinner on the back porch and light a bonfire. This was probably the best part of the day. After a yummy dinner we played a game of family football in the backyard. It started off with Ethan and Nate just playing catch and that led to me trying to tackle Ethan. we decided to recruit Nate at the all-time QB while Ethan and I played a little tackle football. When I got tired Nate switched out and Ethan played versus Nate. I don't think any of us have laughed that hard in a long time. We were throwing each other around the yard. Tackling each other. Laughing with each other. All while Lorelei cheered us on with her pom-poms. To end the night Ethan played QB while Lorelei and I played against each other. The boys loved that. And helped a get her victory. 

This was an amazing first full weekend. It's everything that I've invested in this house to raise my family in. From the fire pits to the grill to the patio table to the patio to the sod in the dirt after all the thousands dollars this evening showed me that it was all worth it. And we are truly truly blessed to have the family that we do

Another one bites the dust

Another 2015 goal complete. 

The Green Monster

This green bush is ridiculous and getting bigger. I would have love to see what it looked like before it became one giant bush. After the Marine Corp 5K I came home pumped up and full of energy. This project was scheduled for Sunday but it was 8:30am and I was ready to go. Nate started on the grass so Ethan and I grabbed some clippers and got to work. Two clips into the project and Ethan got stung by 4 wasp. Bad start and freaked me out. Ethan was a champ and took the clippers and went to work. It took us about two hours to clip, cut, and remove the root balls. 

I think it looks so much better.  Now it's time to figure out what to fill it with.  The Sylvester palm tree perhaps? I'm going to lay some weed cloth before I plant anything because that stuff has worked like a champ in our fire pit area. I hate pulling weeds and have to do it constantly in the front yard.

Any ideas what to plan here?