Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Don't Judge

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What a great picture and words. Something I really need to do. Like my post mentioned yesterday the fantasy of a big home and picture perfect life can be deceiving.  How can I judge someone when I don't know what they are going through right now or in their past. Even me and my husband. No one knows the storm that brewed in our house for almost a year.  Outside I did what I was taught as a kid and that was to put on a smile.  It's funny how I can think I have my shit together and I see something like this and I know that I'm guilty of this exact thing.  So even though I thought I had learned my lesson about this because I don't blast my opinions about people on facebook or other ways and 90% of the time I'm accepting of people's choice.  Whether it's something I would have done or not I can support someone. Give my opinion and be by their side.  But I still judge.  Is that something that humans can stop doing?  I don't know but I'm going to try to be better at it. To being less critical of people in my head and heart.  Always a working process this girl is. :)

Run update: Jog 3 mins, walk 90 secs, job 5 mins, walk 2.5 mins, jog 3 mins, walk 90 secs.  More running than walking.  The last 5 mins felt like 10 minutes but we made it through without stopping. Some cussing but no stopping and my husband was there by my side.

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