Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 month checkup

I weighed in at 207.5 at the doctor's office with all my clothes on.  Not bad. the lady said, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight." But I'm pretty positive she says that to everyone.  My blood pressure was 110/70.  I no longer need blood pressure medicine!  11 years later and I can say I no longer have high blood pressure.  What! What!  The doctor came in after a 20 minute wait, looked over my chart quickly and said I was doing great.  Asked me if my energy was coming back...yes.  Was I taking my vitamins...yes (well most of the time. I remember during the week but forget on the weekends)  And that was it.  I always feel so rushed with him and hate his bedside manner.  I want C doctor.  He made me feel all warm and fuzzy.  No blood test this time.  Next appt is Dec 18 and we will go over my blood work then.  We talked about eating and drinking. Told me it was bad because it will either A.) fill up your pouch with water and you won't eat or B.) wash all you food away.  32 years I've had a glass of milk with dinner or lunch this is going to be a hard habit to break.  I have to do it though because it's been making me feel nauseous and get overheated.  Not a good feeling.  Yesterday I had to take my shirt off in the car on the way home. My poor son was embarrassed but I was so freaking hot and sweaty.  My plan to fix this is to A.) stop ordering water when we go out to eat. I've been doing it because if you say no drink the waitresses look at me weird but then I drink the water and regret the feeling.  B.) tell Ethan to smack my hand when I try to take a drink of his milk or Lorelei's.  I'll keep you updated on the progress.  He asked if I had any restrictions and besides this most recent drink/food issue I haven't. He said no dumping means I'm following the rules.  I guess that was a pat on the back. 

So 2 thumbs up for me.  I can't believe I'm 8 pounds away from weighing less than 200 hundred pounds. This feels like a fairy tale.  It feels like I'm going to wake up and realize this was on a possibility but not reality.  I wish I would have done this sooner in my life.  I would do this surgery again in a heart beat. No regrets.  My original weight loss goal is 170 &  I can taste it!  It taste like protein and lots of running but it's so worth it!

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