Monday, December 3, 2012

I'm a medal winner!

Well so were the other 200 people running but I don't care I finally have a medal for running a race. To top it off I also beat my last time. I finished at 42.22. I was 6th out of my age group of 7 runners. The 5th place runner finished almost 10 minutes before me.  Grrr. That seems impossible.  (C'mon Sabrina at this point you should know nothing is impossible!)

My goal each race is to beat the race the time before. My next race is this Saturday evening for the Jingle Bell Run.  Nate will not be doing it.  His knee hurt him so bad this past Saturday he walked off the course after the first block. I saw the defeat in his eyes on the way home. I felt so bad for him. I suggested and others have that he take the next month off from running 5Ks and give his knee a break. 

This was a big dinner weekend. We had 2 family events and a no cook Friday.  No cook Friday we did thin crusted veggie pizza.  It's a good alternative to a regular slice of pizza but really not enough protein for me.  Dinner on Saturday we went to Outback. I ordered a kids half rack of ribs and steamed broccoli.  No cheese fries, no blooming onion, and no bread for me. I did eat 2 croutons dipped in ranch. That was my treat.  Sunday night we went to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Dena's birthday.  A weight loss patient at a place called Cheesecake? Seems unfair right? lol They have a skinny menu so I ate 3 Asian chicken lettuce tacos. It was very tasty and I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. Then came desert. I didn't eat a single bite of cheesecake. I had oreo, cookie dough, snickers, red velvet, and original all around me but I wasn't craving a bite of any of them.  Dena, Eric, and Stella were asking me about my surgery. How I feel now? Do I miss things? Is it hard? They always ask me lots of questions and I don't mind. I try not to talk about it unless people ask. I don't want to brag about my weight loss especially around people who are struggling with it. I don't want anyone to get hostile feelings towards me.  When I walked up at dinner Stella said she was going to punch me in the face. lol

I did finally put it out on my FB business page. I weighed that morning and I was so excited that I had lost 100 pounds since Oct 2011. Now I'm kinda indifferent on sharing. Should I have said something? Will people think I'm bragging? Should I not care and be proud of myself?  Do I actually have something to be proud of or did I take the easy way out?

1 comment:

Kat Weeks said...

You did it YOUR way. You have not taken the easy way out. You have gone beyond the easy way. You are the one who gets up to run or exercise. You are the one who thinks and plans her food. You are going beyond the easy way in order to make yourself healthy and happy.

You are also spreading it along to your friends and family. Feel proud for what you are accomplishing and continue to be the role model you have become to so many. And don't ever worry that you shouldn't feel proud for the HARDWORK you've been putting in.