Wednesday, January 23, 2013

4 miles down

Last night I ran 4 miles without stopping on the treadmill. I ran it in 54.37 according to Nike+. It felt good to be back out there. My right hip did start to hurt but I just pushed through. I think more yoga would help stretch that out. I felt good running. The most difficult part was the last half a mile and I think that's just because I knew what was coming. The end!

Music really helped me. I've learned my lesson. I use to run to the kind of music I like. Slow songs, slow country songs. All wrong! When a good beat song came on I ran faster. I've changed my running play list and I'm adding more beat/running appropriate songs.

I worked hard to slow my breathing down like Charlyn kept reminding me and like yoga teaches. That helped me with that feeling of  panting. I also remembered to shake it up and loosen up like my sister kept reminding me. I'm glad that I was able to run with her those couple times in Dec. I feel like she taught me things that will make me a better runner. I'm very excited for her and Katherine to come down and run/walk the Gate River Run with me. I don't know what this run means so much to me. I almost signed up for the Donna half marathon the other day which is next month and longer but doesn't frighten me so much. Maybe it's because it's such a big deal here in town and I've always wanted to do it. I'm weighed in at a 100 pound weight loss this morning but that doesn't excite me as much as completing the Gate River Run.

Tonight's training is 40 minutes of cross fit. I'm going to run 2 miles and then work out in Chrissy's gym. I love the punching bag! Thursday is a 3 mile run, Friday rest, and Saturday another 4 miles! I'm back on track and pumped up about it! 7 more weeks until the Gate!!!

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