Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I let it happen!

Finally, I let it happen! Katherine has been trying to suck me into an agreement for weeks and I finally let it happen! A girl can only take so much but it's my fault. My favorite part is that she's trying to use my own words to argue against me. Thanks to this little old blog that she obviously read but didn't like. Oh well. Don't read it then! 

I think this would be a great time to mention the only time I almost lost my shit on the vacation. After the Philippines and before Abu Dhabi there was a moment when Chalryn emailed all the kids about Lola and helping her in the future. Immediately Katherine sent a group message trying to engage in an argument about it. Charlyn tried to diffuse, I tried to diffuse but she wanted to argue. She wanted to be involved in drama any way possible. Who does that? I can't stand argumentive people who just want to argue for the sake of arguing. My life is too good to need this type of entertainment from people. Plus it's kinda sickening and reminds me of Debra. Starting arguments or drama just for the sake of it. So, I stopped replying or I gave thumbs up because at that moment a middle finger seemed like too much. Then eventually I just left the conversations because it was driving me bonkers!!! Every ding on my phone annoyed me so I removed myself. 

After removing myself I sent the following message to my husband and in-laws, "I know you guys are sleeping but I just wanted to tell you how much I love you guys and being a Brigance! I've had a good time but nobody does family better than we all do!!!"

God I love this family. The best part is we aren't perfect. We have had disagreements. We have had issues but we've talked them out. Sometimes we don't even agree on the outcome but agree that we love each and our company far too much to be bothered by it. #blessedtobeabrigance

As far as my own family has come it is still disfunctional as hell. Back biting, jealousy, stubbornness, I don't get it. I'm losing hope in them. I can't allow myself to get sucked into people who just like to argue. I can't! I just can't with Katherine and her minion Christina. 

So anyhow I lost my cool with her finally. 1. I knew she didn't like my perception of Christina from my last blog. 2. You come to a post just to force interaction and conflict 3. You can't admit it! Just say, yep I'm bothered. Yes, I was trying to annoy you guys. I can't stand that! Now I sound like a Real Housewive...own your shit! She's molding Christina which is a sad sad state. It's like Carole to Bethenny. 

Guess what? Now I will be the bad guy. She can put me in the same category as dad, Mom, & whomever else she's dumped. I don't care. The worst part is a conversation is worthlessness if she can't work things out with her own father she can't sit and have a conversation with me. It's hopeless. It was good while it lasted.  #byefelicia 

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