Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm taking pictures when?

Remember I mentioned that I had scheduled a couple session between me and my love with the fabulous Jamie Halstead? It's approx 4 weeks away and I'm starting to panic.  What if this is like every other photo session we've had in the past few years and I look fat? What if I can't find anything to wear?  What if I look fat in all the clothes.  What if they..if I don't look like what I think in my head. I've thought about backing out and cancelling the session but I want to do this. I love my husband. I want pictures with him reflecting our love with one another. The way that we make each other laugh and smile. The way he lights me up inside. If anyone could capture that moment I know it's Jamie.  She's an amazing artist and captures life. just as it is.  I want that and I'm not going to let my fears and doubts talk me out of it.

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