Monday, September 15, 2014

First Weekend Update

Okay here is our weekend update. Weekend number 1 no alcohol.

Friday night was our club social for the propeller club. Nate and I signed in and headed down the porch to the party. At the end of the porch was the drink table. Beer and wine were the only two options. We both looked at each other and talked ourselves into not doing it. "Do you have soda?" I asked.  Soda and a bottle of water it was. After the social instead of going out we stopped at Publix and headed home to our kids by 9pm.

Saturday we hung around the house and did chores. We also got some home improvement jobs finished. It only seemed natural to pull out the drill and a bottle of beer. We both chatted about it while we were completing the work but didn't do it.

Sunday we did yard work and watched the Jaguar game. Again it only seemed natural to finish the yard and sit in a chair and enjoy 1 beer but we passed. And passed again during the Jaguar game. 

Red Gatorade in a wine glass. Still feels like summer. Lol

We honestly thought about it all weekend. Does that mean we have a problem? No, I think it's just an adjustment and since it's a restriction now it's on our mind. It's like when you go on a diet and say you can't eat chocolate. All you think about is chocolate. We made it and we are committed to this challenge. I'm glad we are both on the same page right now. It makes it so much easier to ignore those 4 Sweetwater IPA's and Pumpkin Ale in our fridge.

Update: I'm going to a painting party tonight at a get this...Winery. Okay, stop laughing. They will be handing out free wine samples every 10 minutes for 3 hours. I told Jenn I would be the DD and she had to drink my samples.

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