The first 8 minutes felt great and the last leg felt good. The middle is where it went bad. It started with the right side of my stomach area. A sharp pain. I ran with my hand over it applying pressure. Just push through Sabrina. Then both sides of my lower back started screaming at me. Still I pushed through. I didn't want to stop. My legs weren't hurting. My lungs weren't whizzing. I wanted to run. Eventually though my back won. I had to slow down. I wasn't expecting the bridges to be involved in the race. Gosh those things kill my legs but I used the downward side to help propel me forward and keep my momentum going. During the run I kept looking behind me to make sure I wasn't dead last.
Overall I think I ran slower than normal but I finished. I set a realistic pace for me to beat next time. My finishing time was 44:15
Here's our group shot. I love our red, white, and blue. Hate my hair though. I guess I should put more thought into that next time! lol My husband did ask me if we were ever going to not dress up. I mean really? What a silly question. It's all about the dressing up part!
Ethan finished 4 out of 5 in his age group. 32:01. I'm very proud of him.
Here's my man. He did amazing! Better than me! Finishing time 37:49
And then me and JB.
And then Chrissy.
It was a good race and a fun time. It felt good to gt that sweat going early in the morning. I think there's a few things working against us. 1. Not running during the cold weather. 2. Not running during the day light. I don't think either one of us are use to the hot sun. I'm signing us up for the Thanksgiving 6K next week and then the Jingle Bell run Dec 8th. I want to keep running and push myself. I still have my doubts if I'll ever be able to run the GateRiver Run or even a half marathon. I really don't feel like I'm improving but I don't want to give up either.
Goal update: I weighed less than Nate this morning!!! I'm currently 187.8!
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