Fitness: I was doing great until this week. I have had a hard time getting off of vacation mode and back into the gym. I told my gym partner that I needed him to reconfirm to the program on Monday to help me get back on track and he is on board.
TTC: I got my period yesterday which means it was unsucessful last month. Along with the awful cramps I had yesterday I had was hit with a wave of emotion. Disappointment, heartbreak. Should we give up. Should I take these pills that mess w/ my hormones and it is all a waste of time or is it really going to work one day. I want a baby. i want to be able to give that joy to my husband. I'm suppose to go to lunch with my gf who is 9 months prego and I kinda want to avoid it bc I am soooo green with envy.
this little one keeps me going and the love & support from my blessed we would be to have a second one.

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