With the boys camping this weekend I decided to tackle a few of my thrift store/yard sale projects. First up was a chalkboard for our Kitchen. I searched and searched for the perfect painting/frame to spray paint. The spot in my kitchen needed some longer and narrow. A few weekends ago Nate, E-Diddy and I went to a handful of yard sales. (Yes, the boys love going to yard sales! It was actually their idea. :) It was a load of fun and we scored some great finds. We do need to work on bargaining a bit. We are too nice!) So, we stumbled upon an estate sale. And we found this painting. It ended up that it was one of the previous owners favorite and she had it over her bed for probably 30 years. We should have paid somewhere around $5 but c'mon it was an estate sale. The ladies mom was in heaven and E-diddy got 20 free Coke-Cola pencils. We felt bad after the lady said it was one of her mom's favorites especially knowing that I was going to spray painted but I am sure the sweet lady would be happy to know that it will be used and loved years to come.

Original Painting & Frame

I sanded the flowers down a bit to get rid of the texture and then primed the whole thing.

Then I used Chalk board spray paint and the canvas. I didn't cover the frame because I wanted to get underneath the edge of the frame. I gave it 3 coats of paint. The CB spray paint was around $4 at
Then I covered the canvas with newspaper and sprayed 2 coats of red spray paint on the frame. I used the same spray paint on the projects for the cabinet ledge. So it was free :)
And here she is in her glory. There was already a nail hanging but it needs to be lowered when my hubby returns. I am going to attack a string to hang the chalk. This thing is going to be great for messages and To Do List. The entire project cost under $15 bucks. I am thinking about making one for E-diddy out of a full length mirror frame to hang on the wall behind his door.
Check out this similar chalkboard from Ballard Designs for over $100 some up to $329! I think it would be child abuse if I paid this much for a chalkboard!
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